Welcome to the Neo-Conservative Christian

What Is This?

Getting into the Bible can be a challenge, so I created this site to make some helps available online. I have a conservative view of the Bible, but I also studied Physics before I became a Christian. I value evidence over tradition; fortunately, all the evidence I've seen shows that the Bible is God's inspired word and that we can depend on it.

The about me page provides some basic information about me and my viewpoint.

The about the site page describes my goal in creating the site and what I mean about being a Neo-Conservative Christian.

Reading Through the Bible and Timelines

I've read through the Bible a number of times, and I continue to do it periodically. Having said that, it can be a challenge to understand it without knowing when the different books were written, the purpose of each book, and what was happening when each was written. I've created a guide and timelines to make reading through the Bible easier and more rewarding.

Reading Through the Bible Home


Over the years, I've written some non-academic commentaries. At first, I wrote about what I considered to be less understood books that I had studied and about which I had pondered. The last one was on Matthew, which I consider a great place to start learning about the Gospels.



The Revelation—What It Meant Then



I've also written some shorter pieces.

Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount

Hebrews Background

Genesis chapters 1–11

Bible Studies, Etc.

This is a collection of Bible studies and other thoughts.

General studies